The Green Week

Posted on2020-11-20 1089

Redwoodpaddle & PWR-Foil's Green Week:
the desire to offer you a responsible offer!

You certainly know our leitmotiv: to offer you the best product quality at the best price. Black Friday no longer has any echo within our walls. So, we are taking the opposite approach to this crazy commercial day by suggesting that you include "responsibility", "conscience" for each of your purchases from November 22nd to 29th.

One board bought = one tree planted

The Redwoodpaddle and PWR-Foil team are united around an eco-responsible approach.

The choice of this action is the result of the consultation of the whole team. We wanted to find an action that would have an impact on the planet, that would be local, that would be meaningful, that could grow from year to year.

With the Occitania Region and the association « Arbres & Paysages 66 ».

Planting trees! It is following numerous exchanges with the project manager of the Tree Plan of the Occitanie Region and then the wise advice of the project manager of the Trees & Landscapes association that we took this action. This association is on a human scale, close to its project leaders and close to its donors. This human link allows us to create coherent projects for both parties. 
We were won over by the dynamism of this small association. Dynamic because it is very attentive to our wishes. Dynamic in our exchanges so that they are constructive, viable and bring real added value. We were also seduced by the support it provides. Upstream, there is in-depth research in the field, the quality of the land, its environment, local species and biodiversity. Then, for 3 years, they carry out regular monitoring to check the good health of the plants and the accuracy of the care provided. It's not just a question of planting trees, it's a question of making sure they are growing well and that the project is a success. Now that the moral and financial commitment has been secured, the project must be built. Many ideas are born. Three have caught our attention.


1 - Support a farmer entrepreneur who works with respect for the Earth.

The first project is the search for a local farmer who would like to start organic farming or better permaculture. We could support him financially in this launch by offering him the trees he needs to start his activity. The association supports this farmer in the plantation and the three years that follow to ensure the viability of the plants and thus of the project.
Giving a real boost to new entrepreneurs, farmers, who wish to work the land locally and respect it seduces us. We think it's great to be able to involve you, our clients, in the success of a local project. The association will let us know as soon as the project leader shows up :)

2 - Re-vegetalising port areas and participating in coastal biodiversity.

The second project is based on our own extension. In a few days' time, the association will own a 2000m² plot of land in the port area to build our new premises. The association proposes to help us with the re-vegetation of the area. The idea would be to create hedges made up of several layers of local species, thus bringing back biodiversity to neglected areas. These hedges are in fact shrub beds composed of various species, associated plants that serve as places of passage, living places, nesting boxes, food reservoirs for local fauna.
Creating, thanks to you, vegetated areas to improve biodiversity on our own land would make us very proud. We are committed to taking the time to create, develop, improve and maintain these areas of biodiversity for years to come.



3 - A Paulownia rather than any other tree planted.

Have you ever seen a paulownia anywhere other than on 80% of our boards ? It is an interesting tree for many reasons. It grows very fast, which is one of the reasons why it is widely used in the wood industry: it is easy to rotate. Originally from China, it was introduced in Europe around 1834. There are more than 1000 of them in the streets of Paris. Paulownia is of great beauty and nobility. Also known as the Emperor tree, it is particularly majestic in the spring when its blooms are abundant, colourful and fragrant. 
It is a melliferous plant for the delight of bees, which offer a honey with acacia taste.

Above all, Paulownia has exceptional ecological virtues. It is capable of absorbing up to ten times more CO2 than most other plant species, making it possible to purify the air around it much more efficiently. Its ecological capacities are not limited to this, it also has the ability to clean the soil in which it grows. For these reasons, our third project could be to plant one Paulownia for every plant purchased.

Feel free to give your opinion and/or vote in comments, these trees are yours, it is your purchase that finances them. So you are the big decision-makers, you will have the last word ;)

Conscience is probably this intimate place where each human being can freely take the measure of his or her responsibility towards life.
Pierre Rabhi

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